Summer events in Cortona
June – August 2012
Medieval week – Archidado Joust
18 May/10 June 2012 – Cortona
The Archidado Joust, officially created in 1397 to celebrate the wedding of the Lord of Cortona and a noble woman from Siena, is a historical event in which the different quarters of the town compete in a crossbow tournament. Costume parades, typical medieval dinners, flagflyers and fire-eaters performances, falconry and magic shows are organized every year to relive the medieval splendor of Cortona.
Cortona Mix Festival
28 July/5 August 2012 – Cortona
Music e literature, movies and theatre for this new event in Cortona.
52nd T-Bone Steak Festival
14 and 15 August 2012 – Giardini del Parterre
An important food event for all meat lovers, because these steaks are succulent and underdone in respect of the old Tuscan tradition. You will also have the chance to taste excellent local wines.
23rd Porcini Mushrooms Festival
18 and 19 August 2012 – Giardini del Parterre
Cortona organizes every year the “Porcini Mushrooms Festival” at the Parterre Gardens, where all the dishes have mushrooms in their recipes, from starters to side dishes. Everything goes with excellent local wines.
49th Cortonantiquaria
24 August/9 September 2012 – Palazzo Vagnotti
Cortonantiquaria, one of the most important fairs of the antiques field at the national and international level, takes place in the beautiful rooms of Palazzo Vagnotti in Cortona. All antiques lovers will find magnificent old furniture, prints, art objects, old jewels displayed by some of the best Italian antique dealers.